Acer now offers installation, maintenance, repair and inspection of Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs). These SCMs are comprised of but not limited to:

  • Dry Detention Ponds
  • Rain Gardens
  • Pervious Pavement
  • Grass Swales
  • Wet Retention Ponds
  • Underground Treatment Vaults

Why would I have a SCM on my property?

Stormwater Control Measures are required by regulation and installed by a developer to prevent downstream flooding and water pollution in the streams around the Nashville and surrounding areas.

What is my responsibility?

The current property owner is legally responsible for inspecting and maintaining SCMs. Without the proper maintenance, SCMs fail to capture and prevent oil, grit, grime, etc. on parking lots, roadways, and buildings from draining into nearby streams and rivers.

How do I find out if I have Stormwater Control Measures on my property?

Contact Metro Water Services at 615-880-2420 or

Contact Acer Landscape Services for any assistance you might need regarding your Stormwater Control Measures.

Stormwater Control Measures