Spring is in the air, and mulch is on the minds of gardeners and landscapers around the region. When done right, mulch can do wonders: it looks terrific and helps keep your yard neat and clean. But mulch isn’t just for looks. It also helps plants stay healthy by adding nutrients to the soil and regulating moisture. And spring is the perfect time to get mulching.

What Are the Benefits of Mulching?

Here are some of the reasons spring mulching is so important:

  • Mulching improves curb appeal. It makes for neat borders and attractive flower beds.
  • Mulch helps control weeds by blocking light from reaching the surface of your soil.
  • Mulch reduces water loss and helps your soil retain moisture.
  • Mulch helps regulate soil temperature and can help keep soil warm on chilly spring days and evenings.
  • Mulch reduces soil erosion.
  • Plant-based mulch decomposes and helps feed your soil.

What Types of Mulch Work Best?

There are lots of options when it comes to choosing mulch material. Which kind works best? That depends on what you’re going for. Organic mulches made of plant material like wood can improve soil quality by adding nutrients back into the soil. In contrast, inorganic mulches like gravel and stones can be perfect for larger, more permanent plantings. Here are some of the most popular types of mulch and where they work best:

  • Shredded hardwood is a beloved traditional landscaping mulch. It looks great, stays put and decomposes slowly. We love this for flower beds and borders next to hardscaping features. It’s available in a range of colors and textures to give you just the look you want.
  • Wood chips come in larger chunks than shredded mulch. Wood chips tend to break down more slowly than shredded hardwood and are great for trees and shrubs. However, we don’t recommend them for annuals and more delicate plants.
  • Leaf mulch is an excellent insulator and helps put nutrients back into the soil, but it decomposes quickly and tends to clump together. This is one we like for vegetable gardens but not so much for decorative landscaping.
  • Grass clippings, straw and hay are other excellent choices for vegetable gardens, but the aesthetic elements aren’t the best for decorative gardens.
  • Inorganic mulch like stones or gravel offers an attractive, tidy appearance and does a great job at preventing weed growth but doesn’t offer the soil-improving benefits of organic mulch. Inorganic mulches work well around permanent plantings like trees and shrubs.

When Should I Mulch?

As the days get longer and temperatures rise, it’s time to think about spring mulching. Most experts recommend mulching in mid to late spring to get the most effective weed control during the high-growth summer season. Spring mulching is also a perfect way to start the season off with a gorgeous, well-kept landscape. You can also spread mulch in the fall to help protect plants over the winter–especially if you have lots of evergreens and perennials, but spring mulching is a must.

What Should I Do With Old Mulch?

You can re-spread last year’s mulch as long as it doesn’t show signs of mold, fungus or disease. Just make sure that it hasn’t gotten matted so air and water can get through. If you have old mulch that you want to reuse, rake it off, fluff it up and reapply after planting. You’ll want fresh mulch on top for aesthetic appeal.

Spring Mulching Tips

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of spring mulching:

  • Don’t over-mulch: you might suffocate your plants. A 2 or 3-inch layer is usually just right.
  • Keep mulch away from trunks of trees and shrubs. As the Farmer’s Almanac puts it, if you pile mulch up around your trees “volcano” style, it can cause disease and attract pests. Instead, place mulch 6 to 12 inches away from the trunk.
  • Using the wrong kind of mulch or misapplying can overheat plants in the summer. Careful planning and application is a must.
  • Hire a pro: a professional landscaping team knows how to apply mulch for best results and can determine which kinds of mulch to use for curb appeal and plant health.

Get Mulching with Acer This Spring

At Acer Landscape Services, we love spring. It’s time for warm weather, gorgeous flowers, neat borders and beautiful yards. Choosing the right mulch can make a big difference in the look and feel of your landscape. Our professional team knows how to apply mulch the right way to give you an attractive, well-maintained appearance and healthy plants all summer long. Let’s get going on your spring projects.